Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Finally . . . Somone Actually Said It!

For the third week in a row Rachel Maddow has done a piece on the plans to disrupt the election certification at the state level. She had Mark Elias from Democracy Docket on last week; this week it was Noah Bookbinder from CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. But honestly, it doesn’t matter how many lawyers she has on her show, until someone connects the dots to the supreme court, none of it is going to make any sense. And that was perfectly evident on Monday. She shrugs and wrinkles her brow, and just can’t seem to figure out what the end game is. Sure, these corrupt election-deniers are going to refuse to certify the results in their counties and states, and both lawyers have assured her that this is quite illegal. So . . . what the hell’s the point of all this? It’s maddening to watch. For the past six weeks I’ve been screaming into the void trying to tell the world what the real goal is, and no one seems to care. In addition to writing to Rachel—twice—I’ve written to Elias, Brian Tyler Cohen, Glen Kirchner, and my local newspaper, but to no avail. Everyone seems quite alarmed about the prospect, but with absolutely no clue about what the end game is.

But all of that changed last week, in an editorial on a popular cable channel. The speaker finally made the connection that I’ve been warning about and delivered the truth of the matter to a national televised audience:

          The GOP is already planning on how to steal the election by having corrupt state officials refuse to
          certify the results, getting corrupt judges to back them up, before the whole thing goes to the corrupt
          supreme court that’s already anointed Donald Trump a king, so now they can overturn the results of
          the election to declare him the winner.

The speaker? Charlamagne the God. The cable channel? Comedy Central. Yeah, quite a disappointment. A writer for the Daily Show figured it out before anyone at MSNBC. (CNN's a lost cause.) What are the chances? But . . . I’m happy to report, things have finally turned. The emphasis is still on the election interference at the county and state level, but at last someone has spoken out loud on a major news network, and made clear what the real goal of the refusal to certify actually is. Joy Reid last night—better late than never—had Bookbinder on again, but this time prefaced her interview with him by articulating exactly what the purpose is behind all of this. The wrangling at the state level is just the prelude.

          Or it ends up in court, right, we end up with litigation? Let’s say that Georgia ends up in huge litigation
          and then, somehow or other, nobody gets 270 because one state can’t get their votes in in time. That,
          then, goes to the House of Representatives. Republicans control 26 states, Democrats control 23,
          they just vote 26-23 and make Trump the president. Kamala Harris could win by twelve-million votes
          and it wouldn’t matter, Congress would just decide. And then the other option is it goes to the supreme
          court, and we all know what John Roberts will do. He and his five friends will make Donald Trump the
          president. So, six people could make Trump president, or 26 states.

So there it is, the exact scenario I’ve been warning about for the last month and a half. Finally, MSNBC pulled their collective heads out of the sand and made it public on something other than a comedy show. Took them long enough. Hopefully next Monday Rachel will be able to make that final conclusion herself, but until then this needs to get lots and lots of airtime on all of the news programs in the country.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Trump Only Needs Six Votes!!!

I continue to be thoroughly disgusted by the corporate news media—though I don’t know why I should still be so. Even “left-wing” news outlet MSNBC has become more and more difficult to watch as they continue to pretend they don’t know what Trump is doing. It really is infuriating. Either they are incredibly stupid, or utterly disingenuous. I hope, for their sake—certainly not ours—that it’s the latter. After colluding with Russia to interfere in our election, trying to extort Ukraine, stealing and disseminating classified documents, inciting an insurrection to stay in power, as well as other assorted crimes like rape and fraud, the media continues to frame Trump’s actions as though he is a “normal” candidate. It really is incomprehensible. In interviews all day long, the talking heads continue to be mystified by why Trump is doing this, or why Trump is doing that. And yet HE HAS ALREADY TOLD THEM, AND THEY ARE IGNORING THE TRUTH. The latest has been his attacks on the Georgia governor and secretary of state at his most recent rally. They can’t understand why he would do that. Everything he does seems to be damaging his chances in the election, they opine breathlessly. Why would he do that? Do I need to say it again? Apparently so. Donald Trump DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE ELECTION!

He doesn’t care about the negative response to J.D. Vance. Why? Because he doesn’t care about the election. He doesn’t want to debate Kamala Harris. Why? Because he doesn’t care about the election. He tells his followers that he doesn’t need their votes. Why? Because he doesn’t care about the election. He doesn’t seem interested in courting new voters. Why? Because he doesn’t care about the election. Donald Trump doesn’t care about any of these things because he only needs six votes. That’s right. Only six votes and he is certain he will be handed the presidency regardless what the people do on election day. His election-denying officials in the election offices of all the swing states will refuse to certify the election. The next step in the process will then be lawsuits that attempt to compel those officials to certify. Because of the urgency of the cases, they will move immediately to state supreme courts, which will order them to certify the votes, then Trump’s legal team will appeal to the supreme court where the six votes of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett will hand the presidency to Trump and there won’t be a damned thing the rest of us can do about it.

Once again, tonight, Rachel Maddow followed up on her piece from last week about election officials in swing states refusing to certify elections. She tiptoed right up to the answer, suggesting that one possible reason for this is that it will work as propaganda. No, no, no, no, no! Trump doesn’t need any more propaganda. All he has to do is say the election was rigged, and his followers believe him. There is absolutely no propaganda value in what these election officials are doing. Second, she throws up her hands and says, “It prevents the normal counting of votes.” Right. WHY, RACHEL, WHY? And yet she still seems completely unable to connect the dots and has absolutely no answer for the goal of all this. And I even wrote to her last week to give her the answer. But no, at the end she weakly suggests that this “throws it into the courts?” with a why-the-hell-would-they-want-to-do-that shrug. But she’s so dismissive of this suggestion that she completely undercuts the fact that YES, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE TRYING TO DO. It’s such a sinking feeling to realize that none of these idiots are going to realize what the real reason for this is until it finally gets to the supreme court.

The reason Trump doesn’t care about the election, is because he has already stuffed the ballot box with six supremely corrupt justices who he fully expects to make him president and defy the will of the people. That’s it. The only mysterious thing to me, is why he even bothers to campaign at all. I suppose it’s to continue to instill in his followers that he will deliver on his promise to take away their rights, take away their money, and take away their freedoms, while he installs himself as permanent dictator and destroys the U.S. government in the process. Apparently, that’s what all of them really want. The judicial branch has already been trashed, so that only leaves the legislative, which he no doubt plans to render impotent on day one. To paraphrase a popular cliché, “It’s the supreme court, stupid!” Why the media can’t see that, or is unwilling to report it, is just another of the tragedies that un-regulated capitalism has brought upon this nation. All this energy that is going into defeating Trump on election day may be a complete waste of time if the supreme court does what he expects. But that is the only play he has, and all of us are kidding ourselves if we don’t think he’ll make it.