Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Fall of the American Empire

This is not a new topic. All throughout history powerful empires have bemoaned the destruction of their greatness from within. But I’m not sure how else to put it. I don’t like what I see happening in the country on an intellectual level. Everything seems to be bolting downhill to anti-intellectual, emotional, knee-jerk governance in a way that makes me despair for the future. From my point of view education--or the lack thereof--seems to be the culprit. After decades of substandard teaching in this country it’s no wonder that people don’t have the ability to think coherently. The result is a country that seems poised on the precipice of impotence, unable to govern itself let alone have any meaningful impact on the world stage. It’s a sad state of affairs and one that has become increasingly evident to me. My only goal here is to allow myself space to make observations and express an intellectual opinion about what I see. I don’t have the answers, but hopefully by illuminating the problems it might be possible to begin to turn the ship of state in a different direction. If not, the iceberg of anti-intellectualism is waiting to sink the Titanic once again.

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