Friday, July 12, 2024

Ridin' with Biden!

Couple of things first off about the idiotic notion that President Biden needs to step down. Number 1: George Clooney—Shut . . . the Hell . . . UP! Nobody gives a rat’s ass what you think about Biden and the presidential race. You want to have an opinion? Run for the House or the Senate first and win a seat, THEN you get to have a voice in Democratic politics. But not until then. I don’t know what the hell you think you’re trying to accomplish, but you you’re not helping. And the same goes for Congressional Democrats—Shut . . . the Hell . . . UP! It’s one thing for a “movie star” who doesn’t know any better to shoot his mouth off, but you people have no excuse. It honestly makes it seem as if you’re in the pay of the Republican party, that’s how incredibly stupid it is to have you wringing your hands and clutching your pearls and acting like we’ve already lost. Because if you’re not at least getting paid to undermine President Biden, then you really are as idiotic as you look.

Number 2: The President’s staff, on the other hand—THAT’S who ought to step down. The utterly moronic “preparation” they did for the debate was criminally negligent. Biden should have stayed on European time when he returned from Italy, been awakened at five in the evening on the night of the debate, had a light breakfast, and then kicked Trump’s ass. Which he did anyway! I’m with Gavin Newsom on this: on substance, it was no contest. Trump lied the entire debate. Every word out of his mouth was completely unsubstantiated by anything remotely resembling a fact or evidence—and that was just on the few occasions when he wasn’t lying. Everything else was lies! THAT’s the narrative. And why Biden’s staff didn’t prepare him for that going in, was no less than a dereliction of duty. I wrote about this before, after the debate, so I won’t rehash it here, but suffice to say, there was no reason in the world to have Biden directly respond to anything that Trump said. They guy’s a brainless tool. What do you gain from arguing with that?

But to the matter at hand. Professor Allan Lichtman has correctly called every single presidential election since 1984 with his Keys to the White House. (And this idea that he didn’t get it right in 2000 is complete BS. He called it absolutely right in a presidential election that actually WAS stolen). He has correctly predicted that Biden will win in November, though it doesn’t take a college professor to see that Trump’s toxic policies and criminal behavior are an even bigger incentive for an informed electorate than in 2020. More importantly, Lichtman called the correct outcome in 2016 when all of the polls said that Hillary was going to win. And that’s what’s so infuriating, to have stooges like George Stephanopoulos spout polling to the President as if that closes the case. Even Thursday night, after Biden’s press conference, Nichole Wallace was parroting the same polling data to say that Biden is “behind” in the race. Seriously? The polling has been WRONG every two years since 2016! Where the hell does this sudden trust in the polls come from? I’ll tell you about a poll. Thursday, prior to the press conference, Brian Tyler Cohen, took a poll of some 25,000 of his viewers who watched along with him, and they were 60-40 for Biden going in. After the press conference, he asked those who watched the whole event to take the poll again, and this time, among what can only be assumed to be Democratic-leaning viewers, the numbers shot up to 75-25 for Biden. And why not? He’s the freakin’ President. Incumbency is a HUGE factor in a presidential race, and something those calling for Biden to step down just want to throw away—and more importantly, something no other Democrat has. Which also says a lot about how bad Trump is, that he was crushed in 2020 even with it.

And that’s another thing. Have all of you forgotten 2020? Because I haven’t. Most telling to me was the ringing of church bells ALL OVER EUROPE when Trump lost. When has that ever happened in American history? “Ding-dong the wicked witch is dead.” How badly did the rest of the world hate Trump that they would have responded like that? And there were plenty of celebrations in the streets of this country as well after we had finally overcome our petulant idiocy in letting Hillary Clinton’s personality cause us to hand the White House to a fascist dolt. You remember him, don’t you? A guy who did absolutely nothing as president, other than play golf, break the law, and give tax cuts to the wealthy, a guy who sat on his ass for hours watching on TV the mob that HE unleashed on the Capitol as they tried to subvert the will of the voters. Yeah, THAT’S who Biden’s running against this time, too. Or what about the supreme court, packed with right-wing lawbreakers themselves, giving Trump whatever he wants, keeping him out of jail, and taking away our rights and freedoms? Have you forgotten that already? And what happens when you let what happened in 2016 happen again, getting so whiny and childish about our candidate that you inadvertently give not only the White House this time, but the entire government, to the inspiration for Project 2025. Because I’m telling you, if you do it again, it’s the last presidential vote you’ll ever cast.

Joe Biden is old. Got it. He mixes up names, he forgets things. He also has a speech impediment, lest we forget, that is more difficult to control as he gets older. Got that too. And . . . ? Because of that you want to let a guy who’s going to end democracy . . . end democracy? You’re just going to LET that happen because you were embarrassed by a senior citizen’s debate performance? That’s what you want? That’s worth it to you? Joe Biden has arguably done more for the people of this country than any president since Roosevelt. He learned the lessons of Obama’s ineffective last six years, rammed home some significant legislation while he could in his first two years, and passed more bi-partisan legislation with a completely obstructionist Congress after that. Biden is poised to be even more effective with a Democratic Congress in his second term. It’s because of all that that our President has collected 3,896 delegates during the primaries. He needs only 1,968 to secure the nomination at the Democratic Convention. And yet, Biden has already essentially released the delegates to vote with their conscience, so what the hell else do you want? The hard fact is, even having done that, he can lose almost half of the delegates and still win the nomination. As soft as some Congressional Democrats and others are about Biden, he has a terrific amount of support among the American people—as well he should! And like it or not, he’s going to be the nominee.

One thing more to consider. This election isn’t just about the election. There’s the supreme court to think about, and what they are going do when Trump inevitably sues in order to claim that he really won . . . again. If you thought the last transition was a rough one, that was nothing compared to what’s in store this coming winter. Trump and his criminal minions are not going to make the same mistakes they made last time, when they were throwing it all together at the last minute. They’ve already planned how they’re going to refuse to certify the election results; they’re going to disrupt state election boards; they’re going to successfully block the counting of the electoral votes. They’re going to do everything possible to push the decision to the supreme court where the presidency will be handed to Trump on a silver platter—and that’s if Democrats win! Hard decisions are going to have to be made, like packing the court. Literally, the only way to save our democracy is if Biden, as soon as possible after the election is called, is able to nominate and confirm four new supreme court judges before the court can hand the White House to Trump. And if you think that’s something Biden’s going to be reluctant to do, just imagine a different Democratic president in their first term. That person is not going to want to begin their presidency—always assuming they’ll be able to hold on to it by the end of January—with the lame duck president packing the court. All of this makes much more sense for Biden to do himself. And at the end of the day he can always step down later, and single handedly go down in the history books as responsible for the first female President of the United States. Not a bad way to go out.

So it’s time to snap out of it, people. It’s time to move forward from the “debate.” We have a guy running on our ticket who has the most experience of anyone who has ever run for president in the entire history of our nation. And he’s 81. FYI, that’s where the aforementioned experience comes from. So get over it! Corporate media shills in the news have been making a big deal of this for weeks, but that’s what they get paid to do. Why give them more ammunition? The real narrative of this election isn’t about Joe Biden’s age, it’s about the fact that Trump and his Republican Maggots want to end democracy. THAT’S what we need to be focusing on, from now until election day. And I would sure as hell hope that’s a little more important than the fact the President had a poor performance in a debate because he stayed up way past his bedtime. Tools like George Stephanopoulos get paid by their corporate employers to generate controversy where none really exists. Why take the bait? Stop talking about Biden and make the case against Trump. Our guy already beat him by eight million votes before, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was closer to ten million this time. During his incredibly disingenuous interview with ABC, Stephanopoulos asked the President how he would feel if he stayed in the race and lost. But that’s not the question. The real question is how are all of YOU going to feel if Biden drops out and we lose. Because there’s no going back this time. I just hope the Congressional Democrats and the rest of the whiners like Clooney can pull their heads out of their asses before it’s too late. But regardless, I’m still ridin’ with Biden!

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